Saturday, June 19, 2010

Identity (Part 1)

Humanity, since the creation of the world, has gone through life asking the question "who am I?". History has seen many different answers to that question. Whether it be fig leaves in the garden of Eden or a high-paying job, people usually define themselves by what they do/don't do and what they have/don't have.

For the believer, this question is usually answered by what we do/don't do for the Lord. Most of the time our sense of identity comes from our own feelings about ourselves. I don't "feel" loved by the Lord. I "feel" like the Lord will not bless me. My patterns of sin make me "feel" like I will never have victory. Or, the sometimes scarier perceptions can come as well. I have done so much for you Lord, You must like me more. I shared my faith today Lord, therefore you will bless me. I haven't sinned in three days (yeah right!), I must be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.

May I offer a different and Biblical way of thinking about our identity? The New Testament Epistles are very clear on this issue. Our identity rests solely "In Christ"! Not in the things we do/don't do. Not in how "good" we are. Rather, our identity is in the Risen Christ (who He is and what He has done). Paul makes this very clear when he writes in Colossians 3:3:

"For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

We must start viewing ourselves the way God sees us. It doesn't matter what others think about us. It doesn't even matter what we think about ourselves. What the Lord declares of us must be our focal point.


  1. Excellent!

    One statement caught my attention: “It doesn't even matter what we think about ourselves.”

    I guess I kind of agree and disagree.

    There’s a saying that goes: “God said it. I believe it. And that settles it.” A dear friend of mine changed it a bit: “God said it. That settles it whether I believe it or not.”

    Yes, in one sense it really does not make a difference what I think about myself. What is REALLY important is what God thinks about me!

    On the other hand, it does make a difference in my practical Christian life what I think about myself. Am I believing lies that the “Accuser of the Brethren” wants me to swallow hook, line and sinker? Of am I agreeing with God and the truth of my identity in Christ?

    When we walk in His light and abide in the truth of the Word we will grow. When we walk in the darkness of our own distorted perception of ourselves then we stumble.

    That dear friend also used to say: “Look around and be distressed, Look within and be depressed, Look to Jesus and be blessed”.

  2. Oh man, I totally agree! Yes, what God says about us should be in line with what we believe about us, so yes, it really does matter.

    I appreciate the thoughts Bob! Thanks!

  3. Very good distinction to make Bob. I agree and disagree with my statement as well :). It does matter what we think about ourselves, definitely!

    What I should have made a bit more clear was, that it doesn't matter how we feel in relation to biblical truth. We may think we are enslaved to sin (which we will talk about more in further posts) but the Word says we are free from its power. Regardless of how we feel, it is still true of us. Now, the victory comes only when we agree (count/reckon) on those facts.

    Anyway, glad you helped clarify with your post. We have to think correctly about ourselves, and "correctly" is always according to the Word of God.

  4. Brandon said:

    "the Word says we are free from its power. Regardless of how we feel, it is still true of us. Now, the victory comes only when we agree (count/reckon) on those facts."

    Well said!

    Miles Stanford used to say: "Let the facts of your position overwhelm the feelings of your condition!"
